Colby Matheson with a monster bow buck
Colby Matheson with a monster bow buck
Ronnie Burrell
Ronnie Burrell
Steve Helms
Steve Helms
Bart Hughes first deer, first buck!
Bart Hughes first deer, first buck!

Hunting is from gun houses on green field plots, and safe ladder stands on trails, scrape lines, or rolling pasture land. At the Alabama River Lodge, 6,000 acres are reserved for trophy-buck harvesting only. Bucks of any size may be taken on the remaining land. Doe tags are available for use on all the land. January is the Central Alabama rutting season, but many outstanding bucks are harvested in November and December.

Green fields vary from 20 to 100 acres. They serve a dual purpose as plantings for wildlife and pasture for the Beers family cattle. The Alabama River Lodge operators consider the food plots a unique "crop" on the farm.

The seed for food plots is selectively harvested from the farm itself. Special nutrients and fertilizers traditionally reserved for "cash crops" are applied to insure maximum development of the food plots and the wildlife feeding upon them.

The Alabama River Lodge is the perfect location for early season bow hunts. The watershed and river bottom habitat provides ample forage for deer. Locate a persimmon tree or hunt acorn flats in the morning. In the evening, sitting inside the tree line of a green field is a good strategy.

Whitetail Deer Gun Season

 Morning Hunt: 5:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m

Afternoon Hunt: 2 p.m.-dark

Your guide will help sight in your rifle, organize your hunts, place you on your stands, and provide plenty of personalized attention and support.

You may dress and quarter your deer, keep the venison in our walk-in cooler and pack it before you leave. Deer processing is available at the hunter's expense: skinned and quartered or processed (steaks, hamburger, etc) and packaged at a discounted rate.  Hunters are responsible for getting their venison home.


For reservations, call Bojie Beers -- 334/874-4281 -- after 7 p.m. An advance 50% deposit must be received within two weeks to confirm a reservation. The account balance is due upon arrival. Cash and money orders are accepted. Personal checks are accepted for deposits only. No refunds. When you make your reservations, the Alabama River Lodge will work with you to arrange check-in and check-out. Hunts may be booked up to a year in advance.

What to Bring

1. Hunter orange for wear to and from the stands is required by Alabama law. A hunter orange hat is the minimum.

2. An Alabama hunting license, available online at or you can call 1-888-848-6887.

3. Rifle/Bow, ammunition, arrows,

4. Flashlight, rain suit, waterproof boots

5. Portable stand if desired (especially for bow hunters)

6. Warm clothing: Plan for temperatures from -30 to +80

7. Ice chests for taking the venison home.

8 Your favorite beverages to enjoy after your hunt. No drinking during the hours you are hunting.

9. A Great Attitude!