Kyle Braxton and a good 10 point.
Kyle Braxton and a good 10 point.
Ted Wolfsthal and a good buck.
Ted Wolfsthal and a good buck.
Brian Taylor with his buck.
Brian Taylor with his buck.
Devon Romero
Devon Romero
Ruben Malloy with his first deer!
Ruben Malloy with his first deer!
Peyton McMahon -- Not bad for a 3-day hunt!
Peyton McMahon -- Not bad for a 3-day hunt!
Sam Weatherall with a solid buck.
Sam Weatherall with a solid buck.
Mike Dalena with his big buck.
Mike Dalena with his big buck.
Peyton McMahon took a nice one.
Peyton McMahon took a nice one.
Peyton McMahon with a good one!
Peyton McMahon with a good one!
Peyton McMahon with a monster buck.
Peyton McMahon with a monster buck.
Peyton McMahon with a monster 8 point.
Peyton McMahon with a monster 8 point.
Madison Hobbs with a beautiful 10 point, a bobcat, and a red fox.
Madison Hobbs with a beautiful 10 point, a bobcat, and a red fox.
John Abele with a nice 8=point buck!
John Abele with a nice 8=point buck!
Bo Adair with a 21 inch wide, 200 lbs plus brute of a buck.
Bo Adair with a 21 inch wide, 200 lbs plus brute of a buck.
Jonathon and Donavan Trahan
Jonathon and Donavan Trahan
Jonathon Trahan with a nice buck
Jonathon Trahan with a nice buck
David Gaston with a nice hog.
David Gaston with a nice hog.
Garrett Glass with a nice one.
Garrett Glass with a nice one.
Wayne Bateman with a nice hog.
Wayne Bateman with a nice hog.
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